Key Points
There are now two ways to reach an axie’s daily AXP cap: earn AXP through gameplay, and earn AXP by consuming Coco. Mystic axies can also earn an unlimited amount of AXP per day by consuming Coco, while regular axies can earn up to 30% more of Daily AXP Cap consuming Coco.
You can now feed Coco to axies that belong to another player on App.Axie! This is a fun feature that enables players to help each other level-up. You can also feed Coco to multiple axies you own at the same time with the new auto and manual distribution features. Try these tools out during the Coco Eating Contest for collectible axies from April 11th to April 30th!
Introducing Part Evolution Previews! Select an axie from your inventory and click “Preview Evolution.” You can see any axie’s Stage 2, evolved art without having to evolve the axie.
Part Evolution and Axie Experience Points (AXP) are the keys to axie progression – and dynamic NFTs. Today, we’re making it easier than ever to wield their powers and level-up your axies. New AXP caps. Smooth Coco distribution. Fresh part evolution previews. After reading this article, you’ll see how the latest updates to AXP, Coco, and the new Part Evolution Preview Tool improve Lunacians’ axie progression experience. Let’s jump in!

Good news, Lunacia! This year’s crop of Coco has been more plentiful than axie and sapidae farmers could have ever imagined. As a result, we’ve granted an unlimited daily Coco cap to all Mystic axies and a higher daily Coco cap to regular axies — effective immediately! Here’s how it works:
There are now two ways to reach your daily AXP cap: earn AXP through gameplay, and earn AXP by consuming Coco. In the past, players were only able to earn small amounts of AXP through Coco. That changes today. Every axie in Lunacia can now reach its daily AXP cap via gameplay, Coco consumption, or a combination of the two — and there’s more.
Once an axie reaches its daily AXP cap, you can continue to feed it Coco. Mystic axies can eat an infinite amount of Coco per day, while regular axies can eat up to 30% more Coco per day. That means Mystic axies can evolve much faster, while regular axies get a nice boost to their daily AXP cap.
The daily AXP gameplay cap continues to apply. So, you can reach an axie’s total daily cap with Coco, but you cannot reach the new cap through gameplay. Note that we’ll keep an eye on AXP distribution and may adjust AXP via Coco in the near future.

You can now feed Coco to axies that belong to another player on App.Axie! This is a fun feature that enables players to help each other level-up. For example, one guild member might want to feed Coco to another guild member’s axie. When they open that Axie’s page on App.Axie, they’ll be able to feed it Regular and Premium Coco. Visit App.Axie, click on a friend’s axie, select “Use Consumables,” and feed the axie as if it were your own!
You can also feed Coco to multiple axies at the same time on App.Axie! Distribute Coco to a list of axies with the auto-distribution feature. Or, feed specific amounts of Coco to multiple axies at the same time with the manual distribution feature. Lunacians who want to level-up more than one axie will save time by using this feature.
If an axie has reached its daily cap, the distribution feature will skip that axie. Then, it will distribute the Coco to the next axie on the list.

The Coco Eating Contest is pretty much what it sounds like: a hotdog eating competition — but with Coco! The Top 3 collectible axies by Coco consumed over the next 20 days will be crowned champion. The prize? One Origin axie to the holders of each winning axie. Feed your axies Coco between April 11th (07:00 UTC) and May 1st (07:00 UTC) for a chance to win. Or, support a friend by feeding Coco to their axie on App.Axie! For the purposes of the contest, 1 Premium Coco = 4 Regular Cocos.

Part Evolution changes an axie’s appearance forever. It also takes time and effort to gather enough materials and stack the required AXP. Evolution can be a game-changing decision and a long journey! That’s why we’ve built the Part Evolution Preview feature. Select an axie from your inventory and click “Preview Evolution.” You can see any axie’s Stage 2, evolved art without having to evolve the axie.
In December of 2022, we shared our vision for Axie Core. Axie Core is an Axie experience that goes beyond any particular game — it’s about deepening the connection between Lunacians and their axies. AXP is an important part of that vision, and today’s updates are another step towards bringing it to life. Let’s keep pushing!
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