Luna’s Landing (LL) Plots are LIVE! LL landowners can now play on their plots, and anyone can visit them in Homeland!
Special Features: LL Plots are the rarest plots in Homeland, and are chock full of unique benefits and reward modifiers. For example, Gemstone and Metal Mines start at Level 4, while plots themselves earn over 52,000 Ancient Coins per day! More details below.
Surrounding Area Benefits: The area around Luna’s Landing is loaded with higher-level nodes. That means each and every Homeland player can benefit from Luna’s Landing.
Luna’s Landing Plots are LIVE! Play on the rarest plots in Lunacia — and earn extra rewards. Years ago, we embarked on a journey to build a land-based Axie game, and it all began with our crate sale for land plots. Those who collected all the available land items at the time received something extraordinary: a plot in Luna’s Landing. Today, those plots became real.

Luna’s Landing is more than a special island of 8 plots at the heart of Lunacia. It’s a brand new area in Homeland chock full of perks for holders and extra resources for ALL players! For example, Luna’s Landing and nearby areas are loaded with higher-level gemstones, mines, trees, quarries, and more.
Visit the area for a better chance of securing higher-level nodes. This rewards plot owners while making other players’ Moonfall or Bounty Board quests that much easier. Here’s an overview of what went LIVE on Luna’s Landing:
Note: the eight owners of Luna’s Landing plots are esteemed collectors who supported our land sale many moons ago. They received these plots towards the end of 2024.

In this section, you’ll see why Luna’s Landing and the surrounding area make Homeland better for ALL players. First, higher-level nodes have a greater chance of spawning in these parts of Lunacia. For example, you’re more likely to find a Level 5 Gemstone Mine here than on a Genesis plot. Second, many nodes have a higher minimum starting level. For example, Precious Metal Mines will start at Level 3. As a result, players can expect to find higher-level rewards in this area. Here’s a quick overview of these bonuses:
Gemstone & Metal Mines → Start at level: 4
Precious Metal Mines → Start at level: 3
Public/World Tree Nodes → Start level: 7
In-Land Quarries → Always at maximum level (4)

Every plot type features unique activity completion times — including Luna’s Landing. Production duration is 40% faster. Alchemy Dismantle and Combine times are shorter. This gives Luna’s Landing plot owners and their Stewards some small superpowers in Homeland!

All Homeland plots earn Ancient Coins redeemable for mAXS. However, Luna’s Landing plots will generate over 52K mAXS, which is almost 3x MOAR earning power than Genesis plots! Owners will also enjoy a 70% chance of receiving Moonfall Tickets, as well as the potential to earn 320 Gold per all type of quests completed.
It’s 2025, and Axie Infinity is approaching its seventh birthday. Our ecosystem has grown so much — from Classic and Homeland to our App.axie’s Bounty Boards and Governance Portal. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Let’s keep pushing.
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