Key Points
On Thursday, we gathered for a Town Hall to talk all things Axie. Our co-founders Jihoz and Trung shared a few leeks and updates. Thank you to Ryan for hosting! This article is a written recap of that Town Hall.
Origins: We explained the recent Leaderboard update, reviewed Gauntlet Mode, and Jihoz hinted at the PVE mode that is in the works!
Classic: We revealed that the much requested Classic Leaderboard is coming back — with a twist! Battle Passes are coming in May, and a competitive circuit is LIVE for Classic.
Homeland: We discussed the revamped Moonfall mechanic, replacing adventurers with axies, and the Axie Avatar mode!
Don’t miss leaks on improvements for Axie Core and App.Axie too! Atia’s Blessing delegation is shipping this week.
Last week, we gathered for a Town Hall in to talk all things Axie. We covered a lot of ground from Origins to Homeland to App.Axie — and more! Leeks. Updates. Insights. It was great to share some of our vision and hear our community’s feedback. If you missed the Town Hall, read through this article for a recap of everything we explored together. Let’s jump in!

Big Idea
We expanded the Origins leaderboard to include the Top 30K players
Why We Did This
Our Insights
It looks like it’s going well. Origins DAU has seen a recent 35% increase, which is higher than at any point over the past 18 months. The Bounty Board also contributed to this figure.
Big Idea
Gauntlet Mode is a new Origins game mode that has been live for a while now, and it seems to be going well according to community feedback.
Our Insights
Trung explained the original Gauntlet Mode rewards were supposed to be in SLP, but the team chose to use Moonshards instead for now as we gather feedback and data.
Jihoz said Gauntlet Mode was the most fun he’s had in Origins so far
Big Idea
Jiho mentioned that Gauntlet Mode is a helping the team work towards an Origins PvE mode
Our Insights
We’re thinking about Origins PvE
We envision possible special modes for collectible axies
Jihoz mentioned an example of the above: what if Mystic axies were extra strong against chimera?
Big Idea
During the Town Hall, we talked about more competitive leaderboards in Classic. Since the Town Hall, some of these features have already gone live! Check out our latest announcement about the Axie Classic Competitive Circuit here.
Big Idea
If everything goes according to plan, Battle Pass system may come to Axie Classic in May!
Our Insights
A Battle Pass for Classic is a way to engage players of all types at all levels.
Jihoz leaked that completing the free Battle Pass will grant players 3 new axie NFTs
We see this as an accessible way to improve player onboarding
Jihoz explained that recent updates were based on the Homeland Founder’s Note. We encourage the community to read it here.
Big Idea
We talked about the recent Moonfall revamp, which is a quest system. Learn more about it here.
Our Insights
Big Idea
We leaked our plan to replace adventurers with axie NFTs!
Our Insights
Adventurers were always supposed to be placeholder NPCs
We’ve resolved technical challenges for the Axie 3D mixer required to replace adventurers with axie NFTs
Check out the latest 3D axie mixer below!
Big Idea
If everything goes according to plan, we’ll release Axie Avatar Mode in June!
Avatar Mode Gameplay
Players with at least 1 NFT Axie would be able to access Avatar Mode in Homeland
In the clip Axie is running around in a public village (Starter Village)
Player can chat with each other using Avatars & engage in different activities
Our Insights
The goal is to allow social coordination within Homeland
The first iteration will involve basic interactions like moving and chatting.
Jihoz shared that this mode will enable anyone with an NFT Axie to explore Homeland, opening up Homeland to a larger player base
Big Idea
We talked about how the Axie Bounty Board is going. The Bounty Board is a weekly play-to-airdrop feature on App.Axie designed to encourage habit formation, like the Habitica app.
Our Insights
We’ve seen about 33,000 participants engage with the Bounty Board
So far, pretty good: the number of collectible axie holders has increased by about 600!
Big Idea
We leaked a few upcoming updates to Atia’s Blessing.
Our Leeks
Big Idea
After the Atia’s Blessing update, we’ll share more details about the Garuda Shrine Shop’s next update!
Our Insights
If there’s one takeaway from this Town Hall, it’s this: “Axie will rise in 2024.” The updates to Origins, Classic, Homeland, and Axie Core are just the beginning. Check out the Town Hall video on YouTube for more in-depth discussions. See you at the next Town Hall!
Link 👉 [Watch the Town Hall on YouTube!]